Gamer Code of Conduct

We believe in providing and supporting an inclusive culture that welcomes everyone. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe, welcoming, and fun environment for all gamers and staff, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion. This code of conduct outlines our expectations for behavior by gamers, staff, and guests. All determinations of appropriate or inappropriate behavior are at the sole discretion of the esports staff/sponsors. Their decision(s) will be final.  

Let’s Game! 

  • I agree to be respectful in my words and actions towards others and myself. 

Gaming should be fun. Avoid actions that put others down or make them feel bad. There is no room for Trolling, Intentional feeding (Inting), Raging, or Negative Spamming. If you are angry about your own play or that of others, take a breath, step away from the game, chat with a counselor or friend about something different. When you’re ready, join back into a new game with a fresh start. 

  • I agree to be patient and supportive with myself and of others. 

Losses happen. Mistakes and poor play happen. Being salty, harsh critiques and accusations do not need to happen. Lift up others and yourself. Encourage others when they are playing at expectations that are less than yours or their own. “Keep trying. You’ll get there.” “It’s okay.” “It’s only a game.” 

  • I agree to be welcoming and inclusive of others. 

Everyone is made to feel welcomed and included. No one discriminates because of backgrounds, gender identity, experiences, or other. 

  • I agree to listen and follow directions by the staff related to the activities and culture. 

The staff’s primary role is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity for enjoying the games and activities provided by the camp, while ensuring that everyone feels safe and treated fairly. Sometimes a student may not recognize their inappropriate behavior, which staff will provide coaching to help them learn from their mistakes and/or behavior. However, the safety of each person comes first. 

  • I agree to do my best to stand up for fair treatment by others and myself 

Everyone should be treated fairly. If you see something questionable, tell the staff. Let’s stand up for each other and have fun. 

  • I agree to follow district guidelines for Digital Citizenship when playing online games. 

Keep your and anyone else’s personal information private. Some of the gaming options might include matches with anonymous players from outside of the camp. While all games are monitored by staff, it is important that campers comply with the following guidelines during these instances: 

  • Chat is rarely needed for game related communications, and recommended not to be used. Microphones may only be used between campers in the gaming room.  
  • Do not share any personal information. The focus is on playing the game and getting to know your fellow campers. If an anonymous gamer shares or asks for personal information, immediately notify camp staff. 
  • Play the game with respect, patience, and professional behavior. Your actions reflect yourself and others in a digital world. Treat others with respectful behavior as you would those you care about.